Swiss School of Management is committed to maintaining the highest ethical standards and to upholding the public’s trust. We recognize that our behavior affects not only our own individual reputation, but also that of our school. Accordingly, this Code of Ethics forms the ethical principles that will guide all members of the school community in all decisions and activities. These principles are:
We will nurture a climate of care, concern, fairness, and civility toward others while recognizing and embracing each individual’s dignity, freedom, and diversity even in the face of disagreement.
Honesty and Integrity
We will act and communicate truthfully and candidly. We will uphold the school’s values and make decisions based on the greater good, conducting ourselves free of personal conflicts or appearances of impropriety and self-dealing.
We will openly share information with stakeholders regarding the processes used in developing policies and making decisions for the school.
We will use school resources in a wise and prudent manner in order to achieve our educational mission and strategic objectives. We will not use school resources for personal benefit or gain.
We will conduct all school affairs diligently, exercising due professional care and striving to meet the high expectations we have set for ourselves as well as the expectations of those we serve.
Responsibility and Accountability
We will be trustworthy and answerable for our conduct, decisions and obligations and will comply with all applicable laws, regulations, policies and procedures. We recognize our obligation to report unethical conduct to appropriate authorities.