All the programs offered by the SSM GCC are accredited by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation through the IACBE. Several of the graduate and post graduate programs have been formally recognised by international professional organisations. For a number of programs, this recognition provides advanced entry to, or partial exemptions from, the organisations’ professional accreditation schemes as well as the option to apply for membership status of the respective organisations.
Dear Students, I would like to welcome you to the Swiss School Management-GCC. Having such an MBA program in the GCC is incredibly important, because it addresses the rather substantial gaps of other MBA programs currently being offered in the region. This program is one of the most complete and wide-ranging business and management programs ever offered in the GCC and will make all of the participants highly competitive with other MBA graduates around the world. In the competitive world that we are in, everyone must be equipped with knowledge and skills that are relevant to the ever changing trends. Because learning is a life long process, do not restrain yourselves to pursue more, instead, learn more, dream more and achieve more! Our firm- American Global Consulting, is committed to bringing a higher level of education to the Gulf and is very pleased to be collaborating with the Swiss School of Management to bring this program not just to the GCC countries but also all the way to Sudan. Our team is composed of highly trained members who can assist you realizing your first step towards successes in you career. Reach out to us anytime, we will be very pleased to discuss the details of the program with you. Start your first step today! Dr. Al Khalafalla Regional Dean, SSM GCCChairman of the School Board